セブ島Airbnb民泊運営: 嬉しいレビュー
マクタン島の先端に位置する「Arterra Residence」でAirbnb民泊運営を開始したのが2019年の11月ですので、セブエリアで民泊運営を開始して既に半年以上が経ったことになります。2020年2月にはセブシティに位置する「Solinea Tower 3」でも民泊開始しました。どちらのユニットも幸いなことに運営開始から80~100%の稼働率で動いており、Airbnbでスーパーホスト認定されています。
2020年3月末日から始まった実質のロックダウンと言っても良いセブエリアでのEnhanced Community Quarantine(以下ECQ)期間も各ユニット共にセブ島から動けなくなってしまったフィリピン家族が2か月近く長期滞在していたので、高稼働率で運営する事ができました(アルテラは現在進行形で滞在中)。事情が事情ですので、単純には喜べませんがやはりこんな時期でも収入があるのはありがたいことです&感謝です。

”The amenities and features are already detailed in my previous reviews since my family and I stayed in Kosuke’s place for almost 2 months of being stranded in Cebu. The unit is clean, stylish and has everything you need for:
• Cooking (pots, pans, cooker)
• Dining (table and chairs)
• Resting (cozy bed and linens)
• Hygiene (Shampoo, conditioner, soap)
• Laundry (Washer, dryer, iron and board)
• Entertainment (Hi-speed internet will allow you to enjoy streaming sites)
• Tourism (He has tips of where to and what there in Cebu)
• Accessibility to necessities (3-minute walk to Ayala Center Cebu)
Add to all those mentioned is a great view of the sunset. If you look to your right, the mountains of Cebu will wink at you. And to your right, the sea will wave. But the best feature of this unit is the owner. He is very understanding, compassionate, just, and accommodating. Because of these traits, you are assured that your stay in his unit is like staying in your own home. The uncertainties brought by the pandemic has left us extending our stay at Kosuke’s many times but he made sure that his calendar is open for us. When it was time for us to finally leave, we did not have to ask for refund. He offered it right away. As I previously said, if transactions in the world are the same as dealing with Kosuke, world peace is truly attainable. Thank you again, Kosuke. May you receive the same compassion and blessing that you have shared to me and my family. Good luck!”
